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Collier's Mill

150 ft. down stream, on the right bank of Tanyard Branch, stood an ante-bellum grist mill built & operated by Andrew J. Collier, pioneer resident of this area. (1827-1887).

A notable landmark at the time of the Battle of Peachtree Creek - July 20, 1864.

It stood, not only at the center of Federal troop alignment along Collier Rd., but was the storm-center of the conflict that raged here, since the stream valley was a strategic approach to the Federal center toward which the Confederate forces (Walthall´s & Loring´s divisions of Stewart´s Corps) made their heaviest attacks.

060-39 Georgia Historical Commission 1955

Plaque courtesy Lat34North.com.

Original page, with additional info, here.

Photo credit: Byron Hooks of Lat34North.com.

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