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Hardee at Peachtree Creek

Troops of Gen. W.J. Hardee´s A.C. [Confederate] were posted in this sector, July 18, 1864, to guard the creek crossings when it was learned that Federal forces were moving toward Atlanta from Pace´s & Power´s Fys., Chattahoochee River.

Wheeler´s Cav. operated in the area N. of the creek to impede the Army of the Cumberland advance. Howard´s 4th A.C., having crossed at Power´s, reached Buckhead that afternoon.

July 19. Wood´s div. of the 4th, moved down the road to force a creek crossing. Hardee´s men withdrew to the S. side, burning the bridge. Wood´s div. crossed under fire & held a bridgehead until relieved by Newton´s division.


Plaque courtesy Lat34North.com.

Original page, with additional info, here.

Photo credit: Byron Hooks of Lat34North.com.

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