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Primrose Club

Founded in 1907, the Primrose Club was originally called the Cosmopolitan Club. This was a private club for Jewish professionals where the activities were exclusively social in nature offering a meeting place to fraternize with other members of the community.
The original location of The Primrose Club was on Beverley Street, from there it moved to a luxurious building on Willcocks Street with a ballroom and an oak-paneled billiard room. The Willcocks Street building was eventually expropriated by the University of Toronto and became its Faculty Club.
In 1959, The Primrose Club retained the architectural firm of Kaplan and Sprachman to build a modern structure next to Winston Churchill Park. It had distinctive windows that gave a panoramic view, and included a sauna and sleeping facilities.
In 1997, the building was demolished and replaced with a town house development.

Plaque via Alan L. Brown's site Toronto Plaques. Full page here.

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