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The Mississippi Brigade

Brig. Gen. W. S. Featherston ~ Loring´s div. It consisted of the 40th, 31st, 22d, 3d & 33d regts., (deployment sequence W. to E.) Stigler´s sharpshooters in skirmish line. Brigade was on extreme rt. of Stewart´s A.C., joining Hardee´s A.C. which prolonged the line E. to Clear Cr.

Featherston´s [Confederate] assault struck the fronts of Coburn´s & Wood´s brigades [Union] in the ravine N. of Collier Rd. ~ his right regts. vainly attempting to enter a gap between Wood´s & Kimball´s brigades, in which action Col. J.L. Drake, 33d Miss. was slain. Repelled by counter-assaults, brigade withdrew S. of rd., which the Federals held against repeated attempts to retake it.


Plaque courtesy Lat34North.com.

Original page, with additional info, here.

Photo credit: Byron Hooks of Lat34North.com.

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