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Wood's & Newton's Divs. at Peachtree Creek

July 19, 1864. Wood´s & Newton´s 4th A.C. divs. moving S. from Buckhead to effect crossings at Peachtree Cr. found the bridge burned. Wood improvised one & crossed two brigades which after a sharp contest with Hardee´s troops [Confederate], drove them to the high ground southward.

Wood held the bridge-head S. of the creek until relieved at dark by Newton´s div. which moved forward the next day to the battlefield of Peachtree Creek near Collier Rd.

Wood´s div. camped -- night of July 19 -- at Buckhead & the next morning it followed Stanley´s route to join Schofield at Pea Vine Cr.


Plaque courtesy Lat34North.com.

Original page, with additional info, here.

Photo credit: Byron Hooks of Lat34North.com.

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